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What is ART?
How can we describe it?
Who decides what is art?
Who put price on art?
How much art has changed throughout centuries?
Art is:
The expression of one's feelings, that poured into creations in the form of gestures, looks, tone and poem which contain elements of beauty and can influence the other people's feelings!
So many type of art that been created over the years! Really countless!
An artist might create a work of art to:
Represent themself
Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary Explore the unknown As decoration To amuse the viewer To creat an illusion To represent an activity To show a self portrait...
And the list goes on an on
How the technics changes the message of art have been also traveled to a very different direction in our modern times!
Let's just pick for now one single change that entered into world wide society yet it has the same effect all over the world!
Smart phones and people at dinner tables!
To make this actually connected to ART, the representation of mobil phones specifically in oil paintings or really any type of way that has been put down as an art form while people sitting together around dinner tables. At the same time let's not forget that back in the centuries when mobil phones were not around and how dinner tables looked like back in those days! All these now suddenly become a clear images what was art back then and what is NOW!?!?
Art is Art but we now see the change the definition and meaning of art!
The pictures are showing that back in the days people were united at dinner times. Food was a form and reason to bring people together. They gathered to spend some quality time together. They prayed before and after the meal! As I did too when I was a child since we grow up very much involved with Rome Catholic Church. Our family too couldn't wait for the night time and the weekend when my brother and I wasn't in school, mom and dad wasn't at work so we set down to enjoy our meals together. Much laughter, much time spent in love and peace!
Now if we take a look at restaurants, family homes, school cafeterias, any places where people are eating a meal, you see what is happening in this society. Just as you see also on the attached pictures!
This disconnection obviously not only at the shared meals times it's really in any activity people "do together" yet not being together.
So now my question is!
What is ART?
Who decides what is the quality and meaning of art anymore?!
I think it doesn't matter what century people create something as an ART, the meaning of it doesn't change.
It is still a creation of an illusion
It can explore the unknown
It can represent an activity
Someone can represent a self image
Or can work as a decoration
That is why I created Antal Design
I wanted to creat something that close to my heart!
I wanted to represent a culture
I wanted to explore my own unknown creativity I just wanted to make something that I believe it can be a beautiful decoration and it can bring a warm feeling in someone's heart while it's placed in a lovely home!
Art itself changes!
Art means different things to different people!
Art can be very expensive
Art can be priced for a buck
Art can be world wide known
Art can be a single piece that no one ever recignice BUT ART is ART! You decide what it is and how you appreciate it!
Antal Design is just one tiny creation but I hope this one small form of art work will make a huge difference in this big world in someone's big heart!
Let's not allow our modern time ruin the connection between us! Don't let anything like mobil phones dictate where we are heading too and let's continue our communication through art!
Art will keep people together as long as they talk about it, look at it, enjoy it and let them into their life in any form! Rather is a well known famous piece or smallest but most endearing item!
Do all things with love and that itself is ART my friends
What is ART?
Art/ Antal Designs
I have created Antal Design to spread some European flavor all around the world!
Now days in the Century we see more and more of the modern collection of art.
Are antique pieces has been forgotten?
I believe there is a thin layer of population who still has hunger and interest for real quality because the new age art work has been multiplied to the point where it has become a massive merchandize a series of products!
Many factories and stores like IKEA and world wide spread business selling home decors, garden items, office art and such as, there for the prices are low and very affordable!
Why is antique and one by pieces prices are higher than the ones sold in department stores?
The answer is very simple!
The art works that are the only one on its own category are created as an individual and unrepeatable handmade piece and only one person can own it. You will not find it any other places beside that one person home or where ever it's been decided to be placed.
I personally created in my first collection kitchen wall decor!
My second collection is wine corner/ cellar decor!
I made these frames because I spend much time in the kitchen and I love wine very much. I like to think when anyone is creating something they are inspired by an event in life, love something, love to do something, or simply something touching their souls and the person pour this passion into a creation!
Now since I mentioned my love for food, wine, I one day got up and wanted to make something that I can look at it while I am in the kitchen cooking. I made my very first frame for myself but then I loved it and wanted other people to enjoy it too! So I start making new ones! Each one of them was dreamed in very different occasion and made with totally different material. Not one looks like an other which is great because nobody's kitchen looks the same and not one person taste for art is the same!
That's how simply an art can be formed and can be created. Just one spark of ember in a heart...will do the magic. One moment one inspiration and a beautiful creation is done.
If we do something for someone else not for our own desire to look at it, we must choose the right advertisement so our hand made pieces can get out to the public and will be seen by as many people possible!
I can and could show my frames in Farmers Markets or Festivals or perhaps in Art Studios but the internet and fast moving online advertisement is giving a much greater and wider opportunity to introduce my handmade art work.
Etsy, Instagram, TikTok, Webpage, Facebook and so on will put them out to the public so people can fall in love as much as I did and the ones who has all ready has one at home.
Art is something that we admire and love no matter where it comes from, what it made of and how it looks like! Art is what we call it is as long it's pleases us in any way!
Antal Designs products are one of the millions of kitchen decor you would find but it's more unique, simply because if you have one of my collection you can be assured no one will have the same ever!
Art has a wide range and list of products if you even can call them as product! It's maybe better if we call them as a creations.
Someone has to has to have a unique soul to creat a unique art piece because it's based on a unique imagination.
I so wish this world is one day become a place where instead of people destroying things, more of them sit down and get their inner piece cleaned out so they can creat something beautiful!
Beauty is so relative and it has a different meaning to many of us that's why it's easy to dream of something and make it to reality!
There is always someone who like and love something we just have to get to the right person to the right heart to the right place in the right time!
Antal Design has matured to be seen!!!! All pieces made with LOVE so since the time is right now I am introducing my frames to you all. I hope you enjoy them and I hope you'll find THE one out of my collection which will be the perfect center piece in your home and the most special in your heart!
Do all things with love, creat great things, and fill your home with peace!
MI-AI as a new ART form.
I am from Hungary. Was born in a city that is called Szeged. By the river side there is a country wide famous museum which was named after Móra Ferenc. He was a Hungarian writer who also wrote in news papers. He has done several works in museums and worked as archaeologist.
In Hungary we have quite a few writers, outstanding painters, musicians who have made famous pieces. Now I am talking about artists that had already passed on but their works stay forever as a well acknowledged national treasure.
This museum carries many fine arts that are rarely seen and collections that are not the regular exhibits instead are traveling paintings or arts.
Now since I mentioned MI-AL, I like to talk about one specific painter's work.
Munkácsy Mihály ( 20 February 1844-1 May 1900) was a paining genius, who has earned international reputation his genre pictures and large-scale biblical paintings!
In this museum now you can see till November 20th more than 80 pieces of his work but what makes this most interesting is this!
This private collection is reformed with Artificial Intelligence so it will show these paintings in a movement just like the painting literally become alive and how the artist catches that one moment of the model. One specific art work is the 'Yawning Apprentice.'
Magyar Milán who is responsible for the graphic design of this museum created this version of the painting to show how MI can work and used in exhibits.
The work wasn't easy even though he got specific instructions, yet the moving art didn't came out as the original piece because not every element of the picture is reflecting the original work.
It's crazy to think that Artificial Intelligence is literally taking over in many areas in life and kind of scary to think what is real and what's not now days!
If MI-AI will change all fine arts and recreate new ones what will we have left for the new generations as history. Many famous artist like Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Klimt or the list could go on and on will disappear if we overwrite the original creations.
Many areas of MI has showed it faces like in music when they replace human voices with MI but now actual objects are in the danger of this new aged fraud too?!
Well. Let's just go with the flow and see what happens since in this fast pasted world seem like we need to re learn things even if we don't agree with things!
Art should stay original as it is of any kind but I guess when MI takes over that remodeled art work it will be the new best shut! Who knows how far this will take things but I sure hope it will not ruin real fine art! ART is a creation a beautiful piece that is dreamed by someone and after was created. It doesn't need to be reformed simply because it was all ready made by someone.
If anyone is feeling the urge to make a picture that should come alive, it should be done as a new piece, but if we think of world wide famous artist work...let's just leave it alone. Unless!!! It's been ruined, washed away then it's ok to restore it so it can keep the value and can stay forever as an original piece!
Maybe I am just old fashioned but to me MI isn't something that fits well and the frauds that will create in our life' just one scary and irreversible condition with out any doubts!